the team that hops to it

Call (954) 281-4904 Today!

the team that hops to it

Meet Our Team

jackrabbit service van

JackRabbit Air Conditioning business in Tampa Florida providing residential heating and air conditioning services. With years of experience in belt and an unbeatable passion for helping people stay cool during summer.

Who We Are  

hvac company Tampa FL 3

JackRabbit Air Conditioning has been around for two years now, and in that time, we’ve managed to become one of the most sought-after heating & cooling contractors. But we also have a humble beginning.

Now, JackRabbit Air Conditioning is growing continuously. Not only is our team of technicians increasing day by day, but we also have been helping every resident in Southwest Florida stay comfortable during winter.

What We Do

We do everything air conditioning-related, from installation and repairs to maintenance and replacements. Whether your current AC is breaking down or you’re on the lookout for a new and efficient unit, our expert team is always ready to help. We also offer 24/7 emergency service so that you’re never left out in the cold (or heat).

We Treat Every Client Like a Member of the Family

One of our core values is to always treat every client like they’re a member of the family. We know that when it comes to HVAC, everyone has different needs, and we want to make sure that we address each one of them in no time.

We also believe that customer service should be a top priority, which is why we always go the extra mile to make sure you’re happy with our work. 

Contact us at (954) 281-4904 to schedule an appointment and for more information!


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